Hirosada, Konishi, fl. 1820-1860

Hirosada, Konishi, fl. 1820-1860

Osaka ukiyo-e print artist, pupil of Kunimasu; possibly the same artist as Sadahiro; other names include Utagawa, Gosotei. Taken in whole, or in part from: Lane, Richard. Images from the Floating World: The Japanese Print. Konecky and Konecky: New York. 1978.


UntitledUntitled #180790Yoshida, Toshi, 1911-1995SOLD
Red PoppiesRed Poppies #930609Inagaki, Tomoo, 1902-1980SOLD
Back Street of TokyoBack Street of Tokyo #240522Saito, Kiyoshi, 1907-1997SOLD
After the BathAfter the Bath #923168Shinsui, Ito, 1898-1972SOLD