Floating World Gallery | November 2017 Additions – Roberta’s Picks


November 2017 Additions – Roberta’s Picks

With each new exhibition and auction, I will try to give you an idea of some of my favorite things being offered, including why I like them.

These are my picks for the November, 2017 Additions:

I like the three pre-earthquake Shotei Hiroaki designs.  In October, 1923  the Great Kanto Earthquake devastated Tokyo, Yokohama and the surrounding areas.  The Watanabe Color Print Co.’s studio was destroyed in the fires that raged in the aftermath, along with all of it’s inventory and printing blocks.  Accordingly, the only prints that survived were those that had been sold and removed from the area prior to the earthquake.  So, in addition to being charming designs, they are quite rare and collectible.

PE Hiroaki

I also really like the pair Joichi Hoshi Treetop in Red and Blue, because it demonstrates how the same blocks can be used to produce variant color states

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Finally, it goes without saying the I like Hoshi’s Night View (blue).  We’ve featured an excerpt from that design on our home page since we went live with this version of the FloatingWorld.com website in the beginning of 2017.  And I’m not the only one to like it – it was one of the first prints to sell from the group.
