With each new exhibition and auction, I will try to give you an idea of some of my favorite things being offered, including why I like them.
These are my picks for the 2017 Annual Holiday Exhibition and Sale:
One of the prints that I really like is Winter by Paul Binnie. When this series first came out in 2004, the prints were relatively easy to find, but not anymore. This is a particularly nice copy, with hand applied gofun for the snow.
The Ide Gakusui design Group of Cranes also caught my eye. It is so similar to the better known Gakusui Crane designs also included in our Holiday Sale, yet at the same time so different and quirky.
I’ve always found the print Pilots from Sanzo Wada’s Japanese Vocations in Pictures – Series 1, utterly charming. And our copy is from the original pre-war printing. Not that I am knocking later printings. They are great starter prints, and can be framed and hung guilt-free. We regularly offer post-war printings of pre-war
designs in our semi-annual auction of Japanese Prints and Painting offered through Floating World Auctions. This year, our Holiday Sale includes a nice selection of posthumously published prints by Hiroshi Yoshida, including his iconic design Waiting for the Tide.
Finally, what kind of mother would I be if I did not give a shout out to my daughter, Meredith “MuddaGoose” Stein, who has taken print making courses as a student at NYU. I love the way she produces her backgrounds. Since her prints Monk and Woman were produced using the reduction woodblock printing method, where a single block is used, with additional carvings for each color layer, these prints cannot be reproduced.